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Cayman recognises World Autism Awareness Day Monday, April 2nd

Monday, April 2, 2012 is World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) and is celebrated throughout the world.  The Special Needs Foundation of Cayman is teaming up with Cayman’s ARK, Camana Bay and Tower Marketing to bring autism awareness to the local community.

Light it up Blue is a worldwide campaign as part of Autism Speaks where buildings, landmarks, etc are lit up blue to help shine a light on autism.  Around the world places such as the Empire State building, Sydney Opera House, CN Tower, Niagara Falls and many other high-profile landmarks will ‘light it up blue’.

Emma Donaldson, Administrative Director of SNFC, has been a part of the global policy and advocacy autism community for the past six years.  “Many children here in Cayman are not properly diagnosed and some parents are not aware of the signs of autism.  The Special Needs Foundation is here locally as a source to provide this knowledge. We believe that all individuals with special needs should have a voice and be given the same opportunities as everyone else”, Donaldson said.

In honour of WAAD, Camana Bay will be lighting up the Town Centre blue from Saturday March 31st to Tuesday April 3rd.  SNFC and volunteers for Cayman’s ARK will have an information booth set up in front of the Discovery Center at Camana Bay on Saturday March 31st 11am- 5pm, Sunday April 1st 11am – 4pm and Monday April 2nd 11am – 4pm.  “Our main objective is to help the community gain awareness for autism, as well as other special needs,” Donaldson stated.

The Special Needs Foundation of Cayman (SNFC) is a charitable, non-profit organization providing support, information and education to families with children having special needs.  In addition to autism, SNFC also focuses on special needs such as: learning disorders, ADHD, anxiety, dyslexia, gifted learners, mental health and more.

To become a member, volunteer or donate to the Special Needs Foundation of Cayman, visit  They can also be reached at 917-0502, [email protected] or visit their Facebook page


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