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In our digital age, online defamation affects individuals and organisations of all kinds—from entrepreneurs and politicians to corporations and not-for-profits. Now, more than ever, knowing how to manage, protect and restore reputations on the Internet is an essential skill not just for lawyers, bur for everyone. Join libel and slander expert David Potts at Books & Books on Thursday, April 19 at 7pm for the Cayman Islands launch of his book, Cyberlibel: Information Warfare for the 21st Century?

This free event will include an author presentation, group discussion and book signing. It is sponsored by the Business & Professional Women’s Club of Grand Cayman.

About the Book

In Cyberlibel, Potts brings years of research and experience in libel and slander law into focus on how individuals and organizations can gain the upper hand in safeguarding – or restoring – their reputation once it’s assaulted on the Internet.

The book examines case-law from all common law jurisdictions including Canada, the US, the UK, and Australia and provides practical strategies that can be used in defamation actions related to the Internet.

Cyberlibel includes the following topics in international defamation law:

  • What makes cyberlibel issues unique from a legal perspective
  • How to remove a defamatory publication from the Internet
  • Defences available for those sued for cyberlibel
  • Whether rules of conduct apply to bloggers and Facebook users
  • What constitutes invasion of privacy and injurious falsehood online
  • The liability of search engines and other third parties
  • Emerging case-law defining cyberlibel

This book represents a vital reputation-management tool for organizations of all kinds – from corporations and professional associations to government agencies and not-for-profits.

Cyberlibel is now available at Books & Books.

About the Author

David A. Potts received his B.A. from Cape Town University, his LL.B. from Dalhousie and his LL.M. from Osgoode Law School. He was called to the Ontario Bar in 1979. Since then he has specialized in libel and slander law and in reputation management for a diverse range of clients. He has served on the Ontario Attorney General’s Advisory Committee on the law of defamation, and is a sought-after speaker and writer (CBC, Forbes, USA Today, the Canadian and International Bar Associations, The Law Society of Upper Canada and many others). He  is co-author of  Canadian Libel and Slander Actions (Irwin Law, 2004) with Roger McConchie, and Canadian Libel Practice (Butterworths, 1985), with Julien Porter  as well as a  contributor to Cyberlibel in Electronic Commerce – A Practitioner’s Guide (Carswell, 2002). For more information, visit

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