Overseas Territories Attorneys General to meet in Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands hosts OTs Attorneys General annual meeting this year.
·Opening ceremony for two-day meet will be held on Tuesday, 19 February 2019.

Grand Cayman (GIS) – Attorney General Hon. Samuel Bulgin, QC, will host this year’s Overseas Territories (OTs) Attorneys General two-day conference, starting Tuesday, 19 February 2019.
Attendees will include all UK OTs Attorneys General as well as representatives from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Departments of Justice of Canada and the USA and the host Cayman Islands.
Attorney General Bulgin said the conference would provide “an invaluable forum for exchange of information and experience for OTs Attorneys General”. He added, “It will help in the implementation and formulation of actions plans of legal importance to the territories.”
Additionally, the forum provides an annual opportunity for the attendees to discuss matters of common interest and exchange views for their territories’ benefit.
Topics for discussion include disaster preparedness, anti-corruption and –bribery, Financial Action Task Force reviews, extension of human rights and international conventions and child safeguarding issues within each territory. Human rights topics include LGBTQ rights.
The attendees will also discuss law revision and law reform, among other subjects.