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Internet scammers pick on the wrong target

Internet scammers didn’t do their homework when they sent a fake email promising millions of pounds to a Caymanian citizen.

For the recipient of the email was none other that… A DETECTIVE CHIEF INSPECTOR with the police Financial Crime Unit!

Now DCI Claudia Brady is warning others not to fall for the scam that promises a whopping $10m all at the push of a button.

“They clearly didn’t do any research when they sent the email to me,” said DCI Brady. “I received mine on Monday and I’m aware other Government officials were targeted as well.

“Probably fair to say that whoever sent them didn’t do their home work otherwise I doubt they would have targeted a Chief Inspector with the Financial Crime Unit.”

But despite the oversight by the scammers, DCI Brady is fearful others may not see through the hoax.

And, because of hard times people are facing at the moment, police are worried that out of desperation, some may fall for the con.

DCI Brady added: “Some people who have access to the internet may not be aware scams like this go on.

“And out of desperation they may feel that it’s their lucky day and part with money thinking they would get rich which is just not the case.”

The email the detective received claimed to be from the office of the Executive Director of the FBI telling people more than $10m is available from the Bank of Nigeria.

The e-mail tells the recipient that an ATM card loaded with the ten million dollars is waiting to be couriered to them. They are then asked to provide financial details and pay large sums of money to compete the deal and pay for the courier service.

“Think about it”, continued DCI Brady. “Would the FBI load ten million dollars from an account you don’t have onto an ATM and then courier it to you?

“Do not respond to the e-mail, do not even consider sending any cash or personal details. If you do you will end up losing cash instead of realising your dream of becoming an overnight millionaire.

“People should check where the email has come from. The address is clearly not from the FBI or an official organisation.”

Scams like these originate often in Nigeria and other parts of Africa. Hackers sit at computer terminals all day sending millions of emails world wide.

DCI Brady added: “It’s hard to believe that people still fall for these things. But out of the millions of emails sent out, if just five or ten people believe it and send a few hundred dollars then it’s not a bad day’s work.

“They do a fishing exercise and send many emails out in the hope that one bites.”

Anyone who requires any advice about how to spot an internet scam should contact the Financial Crime Unit on 949-8797.


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