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School Dress-down Days advisory

This is to advise that students at CIFEC have been participating in a series of  dress-down days this week, as part of fund-raising activities for Prom. The themes for each day were suggested by students.

The principal has confirmed to the Ministry of Education that the themes included a pajama day and a gender swap attire day, and has advised that he issued guidance for appropriate dress under the theme days, with the proviso that anyone inappropriately dressed would be sent home. He confirms that a minority of students chose to participate in the dress-down days and that the dress-down days were conducted appropriately by all students who participated. Those girls who participated in the gender swap attire day came in baggy clothing and baseball caps and the boys wore brightly coloured shirts and pants.

While the Ministry supports fund-raising efforts by students, including dress down days, we do not support dress-down days that promote gender swap attire or pajamas or any other inappropriate theme in any of our schools. The Ministry will be formally communicating to all schools, public and private, the expected boundaries for dress-down days.


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