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Guide to SEO

With regular Google updates, digital marketing becomes trickier each year. Large search engines are constantly improving their services to make them more advanced and convenient for users. Therefore, your optimizing techniques should reach new heights to help your website rank high. Now it’s time to make sure that you know how to keep step with the new SEO trends.

We have prepared a clear and comprehensive infographic that will give you an insight into general techniques of search engine optimization. They are simple to grasp and even if you are not a professional marketer, you will easily implement them in your plans for 2019. Here you will find tips on the most crucial aspects of SEO, such as meta tags, content, user experience, and backlinks. Also, we are going to pay some special attention to the newest trends like a voice search and mobile version of a website. 

This infographic covers important strategies that have always been at a place and are still here, as well as some new ones. For instance, a necessity to compose useful texts and flavor them with relevant keywords is still here, but there are Google updates and digital trends you should mind. The guide includes some tips on the type of content preferred by Google and meta tags to label it efficiently. In addition, we have described some brand new aspects that require your special attention. As 50% of search requests are already being done by voice, this number is expected to grow higher in the nearest future. 

So 2019 is going to be a big year for digital marketing. Take a look at this simple guide and get yourself prepared to the newest trends and updates! Hopefully, these tips will help your website attract more active users! Check them out and start adding them to your to-do list for this year.

SEO Guide 2019



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