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Cynical story on Webb on website: … under the subtitle Soccer Scoops

Cayman Islands Banker Jeffrey Webb “Elected” CONCACAF President

By Anthony Schneck (“I’m hangry all the time”)

FIFA has done an excellent job cleaning up in the wake of massive corruption scandals. Some measures taken include… wait, no, FIFA’s still really, really corrupt, and it’s led by the same grumpy old toad who embroiled world soccer’s governing body in corruption in the first place. Sepp Blatter continues his unopposed reign as FIFA boss, but other positions need filling to consolidate Blatter’s nefarious money-grabbing operations. For instance, CONCACAF has been without a leader since Jack Warner was caught bribing. His only crime, of course, was leaving evidence.

Who will change the course of one of the most powerful organisations in the world? Jeffrey Webb of the Cayman Islands, who is known for being virtually unknown, in international soccer.

Jeffrey Webb? That’s the new CONCACAF president (the “election” is May 23, but Webb is unopposed, choosing the traditional path to international soccer power)? He presides over soccer in a pseudo-nation that’s best known as a place for wealthy people trying to avoid taxes to HIDE MONEY. That’s exactly what FIFA needs right now, a president from a country with some of the most opaque banking laws on earth. What’s next, voting in a sham one-man election for a millionaire Swiss to run the whole damn show?

Oh. Never mind.

Pretty much the only things we know about Jeffrey Webb are that he’s a banker (shock!), he was appointed head of the Cayman Islands FA when he was 26, and he’s running unopposed for CONCACAF president. You have to appreciate that the Beautiful Game is making an effort to clean up.

Editor’s comment:

Mr Schneck might be ‘H’angry all the time but his time would be better put to use by spending on some INVESTIGATIVE research on his subject before jumping to wild conclusions that, because Mr. Webb has a banking background and “lives in a pseudo-nation that’s best known as a place for wealthy people trying to avoid taxes to HIDE MONEY”, that is a sound basis to castigate someone.

You not only insult Mr. Webb but 90% of the people who live here. I suggest you find yourself another job and don’t come here. We will be very ‘H’angry.


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