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Queen’s New Year Honours 2013

His Excellency the Governor Mr Duncan Taylor invites members of the public to submit nominations for Her Majesty The Queen’s New Year Honours 2013.  Nominations must be received by Monday 14 May 2012.  Final recommendations for OBEs and MBEs are considered in the United Kingdom.  Recommendations for the Certificate and Badge of Honour are considered locally.

It is stressed that for any Award, long service is not enough.  Nominations must be supported by a persuasive account of the outstanding or innovative or self-sacrificing services and achievements of the nominee, whether paid or unpaid, in one field or several, and what has raised them above those of others performing similar services

Honours Nomination Forms can be requested by e-mail from [email protected].  Copies can also be found on the Governor’s Office website (  Please make every effort to fully complete all the relevant sections.  Once completed, the forms should be submitted, under confidential cover, to the Governor’s Office.  While all recommendations will be acknowledged, the Governor’s Office cannot enter into correspondence about the action taken on them.

For any further information please contact the Governor’s Office on 244 2401.



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