New opportunities for cooperation on sustainable development among Caribbean countries emerge at ECLAC meeting

New opportunities have been identified for greater cooperation among Caribbean Small Island Developing States, as well as for collaboration with development partners and the wider United Nations system in the pursuit of sustainable development. This, as policy makers and regional experts gathered for a two-day workshop hosted by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) subregional headquarters for the Caribbean, on 17-18 September 2019.
Convened at ECLAC Caribbean headquarters, in Port of Spain, the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the best strategy for repositioning the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee-Regional Coordinating Mechanism (CDCC-RCM) to support Caribbean states in pursuing a comprehensive strategy towards implementation of sustainable development in the subregion.
Attended by government representatives, regional experts, UN partners and civil society, the workshop identified a new structure and functioning for the coordinating mechanism, which will ensure an integrated approach to sustainable development implementation in the Caribbean, enhancing the coherence, complementarity and congruence of development activities.
The meeting also explored new opportunities for SIDS-South and triangular cooperation, including with developmental partners and the wider United Nations system.