Cayman: Pines Retirement Home visitation update – No visitors
In our press release dated 11th March 2020, it stated that “once it is imminent that there is a case (s) of the COVID 19 Virus on Island, we will stop all visitation to The Pines to protect our residents and staff.” Government announced Thursday evening that there is one infected person at Health City.
Therefore; as at 12 noon today,13th March 2020, visitation from the general public is suspended, until further notice.
Visitation for family members effective today, 13th March 2020, will be from 11:00am to 1:pm and from 5:pm to 7:00pm, for now. Family members are being notified.
We ask that the general public be patient with us during this CORONAVIRUS pandemic.
Also, we have banned unnecessary travel for all staff into infected countries.