Cayman: Statement by HE the Governor on COVID 19
The announcement that we have COVID 19 in the Cayman Islands will be of great concern to everyone. However, this was not unexpected and the Government has been putting plans in place to minimise the impact. I support the Government’s sensible measures to restrict public gatherings, close schools and to introduce travel restrictions.
We have excellent infrastructure and medical professionals in Cayman and we will come through this. We also have access to expertise in the UK and the region and specialist advisers will be on island shortly. These include a Communicable Disease Control Consultant, a Consultant Microbiologist, and a Laboratory Quality Expert. Public Health England have provided us with modelling which gives us more accurate information to help plan our response. Public Health England will also be supporting us with supplies of personal protection equipment. The laboratory has received kits for testing for COVID 19 and we should be able to begin testing on Island early next week.
Now is a time to remain calm and to come together as a community. Cayman has a strong Christian tradition of helping each other. The majority of us will only get mild symptoms if they contract COVID 19 but some will be more seriously affected. Please look after our elderly and those with underlying health issues so they can follow the medical advice.
Panic buying is unnecessary. Our supply routes are robust and ships and flights are operating normally.
The media and those on social media have a responsibility for the community. The spreading of rumours is totally unacceptable when we are dealing with a situation like this. You should only get your information from official government sources. If necessary, we will use the law to tackle those who spread false rumours. Please act responsibility and please support our medical personnel and other officials as they work to help us all.
We should remain calm and continue to carry on with our day to day lives whilst following the expert advice from the HSA.