Cayman: Statement from Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee

“The information and studies we are receiving on COVID-19 grow by the day, and so does the understanding. The advice that I have been giving is that shared by national public health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control in the USA, Public Health England and the World Health Organization.
Of serious concern is the possibility of asymptomatic transmission of the virus, which would allow it to spread without us knowing from person to person. In particular, children are likely to be able to transmit the virus without any symptoms as they do not seem to be so much affected.
The Government has been increasing its measures to protect the people of Cayman by a staged reduction in travel and deterring people from gathering. These are absolute key ways to suppress the transmission of the COVID-19 causing virus, so please, do not gather together except as a household.
We will learn more about exactly how COVID-19 transmits itself as time passes. I believe that caution is the right way forward and urge the public to keep their distance from people and practice hand hygiene whilst we learn more about this disease and how best to supress its spread.”
How do we pick up students who have finished there quarantine at comfort suits?
There is no restriction for that. Next week it might be only on your surname day.
Worth checking it out on the hot line.