Letter to Editor
Romney is a Vulture Capitalist and the Destroyer of Lives! Stashes money in Cayman Islands
State, National, International, posted by anon, a resident of the Fairfax neighbourhood, on May 14, 2012 at 7:03 pm
Make Money the Mitt Romney Way and you too can destroy lives!!
Step 1:
Borrow millions of dollars to purchase a company using the company itself as collateral.
Step 2:
Work your financial magic so the company is responsible for the debt, not you. Smooth move!
Step 3:
Borrow even MORE money against the company, taking a significant chunk of that windfall and put it in your pocket. Cha-ching!
Step 4:
Squeeze as much profit out of the company as possible – lay off workers, abolish pension plans, close factories – whatever it takes!
Step 5:
If the company succeeds, you win! If the company goes bankrupt, you ALREADY won!
Step 6:
Stash dough in Cayman Islands bank account. Buy yourself a car elevator and don’t give a thought to the people you just caused to be unemployed and whose mouths you are taking food out of.