Doctors Hospital – The Future of MedTech and Healthcare in Cayman -Thu SEP 10 (today)
Don’t miss this opportunity to explore MEDTECH & THE CAYMAN ISLANDS. Please join Doctors Hospital Cayman and Cayman Enterprise City as we examine the future of MedTech and Cayman with an incredible panel of experts and leaders.Thursday, 10 September 2020 • JOIN US LIVE ONLINE at 4:00 PM (Central Time)The Cayman Islands has the potential to become a MedTech jurisdiction of choice and lead the industry with agility and responsible innovation. What MedTech companies are currently established in Cayman? How can we foster an innovative MedTech ecosystem? What MedTech projects are currently being developed and how are they rising up to the COVID challenge?
Panelists include:
- Dr Frank Koentgen, Rhetus International SEZC
- Dr Gregory Frost, Exuma Biotech SEZC
- Joanne Deys, Ozgene group
- Dr Marc Peterman, 3Spine SEZC
- Dr Yaron Rado, Doctors Hospital
Moderated by Dr Allan Evans, Fat Shark SEZC
RSVP to Cayman Enterprise City here
(Once you RSVP a link will be sent to you 15-30 minutes prior to the event)