Cayman: Pat Bazell-Taylor
By Colin Wilson

It is with much personal sorrow I have to report the death of Patricia (“Miss Pat”) Bazell-Taylor.
She passed away at her home in George Town last Friday (4) at around 7pm.
I received the awful news after coming out of the Cinema around 9pm and although Pat had been fighting cancer for some time it still came as a shock.
It was only a few weeks ago I picked Pat up at the hospital after Chemo and she was still the same Pat. Upbeat and laughing with me. At her home she made me a cup of tea with biscuits with her dog by her side.
Pat ran Pirates Week for many years under Mike Lockwood’s watch and took charge of the Pirate shop near the Museum when Pirates Week move their office from the George Town car park behind the Library..
Pat organized and ran one of the Cayman Islands first after school programmes and her last ‘job’ was as Administrator of Meals on Wheels.
However, her most well known community work was with the Service Club – Lions of Tropical Gardens , where she was a founding member, Past President and Treasurer.. She also obtained one of Lions’ highest awards, the Melvin Jones Fellowship.
The funeral for the late Patricia Bazell-Taylor is on Saturday 12 the Dec at 2PM, St. George’s Anglican Church, Courts Road, Eastern Ave, George Town.
Though I never had the pleasure of meeting and knowing Miss Pat, I have it on good authority – from my friend your Editor Colin Wilson – that she was indeed a beautiful person who gave unstintingly of her time and love to her community. I’m sure she will be sorely missed.
Patsy was my sister and I cannot express how very proud I am of her. Her love of animals is one shared by most members of our family but her dedication to helping those less fortunate was truly exceptional. Separated by distance but united by love.