27 Dec Weather in Cayman
Sun 27 Dec 2020
Weather in Cayman
A Marine Warning remains in effect
Moderate to fresh winds and moderate seas will continue across the Cayman area over the next 24 hours as a cold front moves southeast of the Cayman area and its associated high pressure system builds over the southeast US.
Humidity: 64% (DOWN from yesterday)
UV: 6.5 HIGH (DOWN from yesterday)
Temperature: Today’s expected temperatures – 72°F to 78°F. Yesterday: H 76.5°F L 70.0°F
Winds: Today: NNE 15-25 mph. Tonight: NNE 10-20 mph
Barometer: 1014.00 mb Steady
Rain: Last month: 15.91 in
Last 24 hrs (since yesterday’s reading) 0.00 in
This month: 0.93 in 2 days since rain, 7 rain days in Dec
2019 Season Total: 31.27 in
2020 Season Total: 80.64 in
Latest rainfall readings are from NORTH SOUND.
Average rainfall in Dec 2.2 in.
Average temperature in Dec: 73°F to 84°F
Sea Temperature in Dec: 82°F
MOON: 93% illumination
Tides, Moonrise, Moonset, and Moon Phases, DEC 2020
See: http://www.weather.gov.ky/portal/page?_pageid=4421,7428393&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
FOR RADAR IMAGE GO TO: http://www.weather.gov.ky/portal/page/portal/nwshome/forecasthome/rada
Also see Weather In Cayman: http://www.weatherincayman.com/
Moon info and graphic: https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/uk/georgetown