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8 common car accident injuries

Apart from property damage, car accidents can leave you with serious injuries. These injuries can be physical or mental. According to Henry Dailey Law Firm, a website for personal injury lawyers in Alabama, car accident injuries will vary based on the type of accident you will be involved in.

How Do Car Accident Injuries Occur?

Car accident injuries occur when you hit or scratch your body against other bodies due to a collision. For mental injuries like post-trauma stress disorder, it is different. These are emotional and psychological effects as a result of the accident.

Read on to learn more about eight common car accident injuries.

1. Traumatic Brain Damage

Traumatic brain injuries are severe and occur when a piercing injury to the head damages your brain. This injury tampers with the normal functioning of your brain, and you may take a long period to recover. Car accidents are the chief cause of traumatic brain damage.

2. Broken Bones

Fractures and broken bones are very painful and so common car accident injuries. Depending on the impact of a collision, you can break your ribs, arms, or legs because of hitting different parts of the car. Some breaks are simple and require casts, while others are so serious that doctors have to perform surgery to repair them.

3. Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are terrifying since they can leave individuals paralyzed. Some car accidents can be fatal when vertebrae in your spine shift out of place and damage your spinal cord. Though it may take time, you can recover fully from spinal cord injuries if you receive proper treatment and follow your doctor’s instructions. 

4. Bruises

Bruises are not very serious injuries. You can get bruises even from minor car accidents. You can scratch your body against parts of the car in a car accident and end up with bruises. However, bruises fade away within a short period, like two to three weeks. 

5. Amputations

Amputations are common among car accident injuries. Poor blood circulation is a common cause of amputation. If you are involved in a fatal car accident to the point that your limb is badly injured and blood can not flow well towards it, doctors may amputate the limb.

Also, if your limb has been damaged beyond repair, it can be cut off to prevent rot. Amputations can change your life entirely and even lead to low self-esteem issues and depression if not well handled. 

6. Internal Bleeding

Internal bleeding is a life-threatening injury to your life; therefore, it requires emergency medical attention if suspected. Internal bleeding occurs when blood vessels rupture or vital organs are ruptured and cannot clot.

7. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Apart from physical injuries, you may suffer mental and emotional trauma after an accident. Post-traumatic stress disorder can lead to depression, paranoia, hopelessness, and scary flashbacks associated with the collision. You can, however, see a psychologist or a therapist to help you in treating this condition.

8. Burns

Sometimes, a car may catch fire after an accident, and you may get burnt in the process. You can also get burnt if your skin comes into contact with the hot parts after a collision. Some burns can be minor and others severe, so doctors have to perform surgery to treat them.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

During an accident, your body pumps adrenaline into your system, which puts your body into a state of shock. This powerful hormone can make it difficult to tell if you’re injured. Even if you feel fine, some injuries may not show immediately but remain life threatening. Always seek immediate medical attention after an accident to ensure you receive any necessary treatment. 

In addition, immediate care provides documentation that the injuries were sustained as a result of the accident, which will be used as evidence to support your future personal injury claim.


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