Cabinet Post Meeting Summary
His Excellency the Governor Mr. Martyn Roper, OBE, chaired the meeting of the Cabinet held on Tuesday, 27th September 2022 in the Cabinet Conference Room, Government Administration Building.
All Ministers and Members of Cabinet were present. At this meeting Cabinet:
- Confirmed approval granted by circulation on 16th September 2022 for the re-minting of all 2022 denominations of the Cayman Islands Circulation coins;
- Confirmed approval granted by circulation on 16th September 2022 for an exemption from Part 7 of the Immigration (Transition) Act (2022 Revision) for one year;
- Confirmed approval granted by circulation on 16th September 2022 for an exemption from Part 7 of the Immigration (Transition) Act (2022 Revision) for two years;
- Refused the application for Coastal Works Permit to construct on private dock offshore Block 27C Parcel 711;
- In accordance with section 78 of the National Pensions Act (2012 Revision) for the National Pensions Board;
o Accepted the resignation of Angelique McLoughlin as a Member of the Board;
o Approved the re-appointment of the following persons to the Board: Marsha Patricia Ann Smith – Chair; Natisha Nicole Ramroop – Deputy Chair; Peter Huber – Member; Brenda Scott-Novak – Member; Nichelle Scott – Member; Wendy Clarke – Member; and Marilee Magreta Freeman- Member;
- Approved the Cost of Living Adjustment for the Water Authority of the Cayman Islands as follows: o 2%CostofLivingAdjustmentforallemployeeseffectiveSeptember2022;and o 2.5%CostofLivingAdjustmentfornon-executiveemployeeseffectiveDecember2022;
- Approved the transfer of land from Sister Islands Affordable Housing Development to the Crown for public purposes (Block 106E Parcels 48, 175, 196, 197, 198, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211 and 212, Block 96E Parcels 284, 540 and 277REM1);
- Reviewed and noted the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statement of the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands for the year ended 31st December 2021 and authorised the Hon Minister for Culture to table the reports in the House of Parliament;
- Reviewed and noted the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statement of the Cayman Islands National Museum for the year ended 31st December 2021 and authorised the Hon Minister for Culture to table the reports in the House of Parliament;
- Reviewed and noted the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statement of the Cayman National Cultural Foundation for the year ended 31st December 2021 and authorised the Hon Minister for Culture to table the reports in the House of Parliament;
- Approved the issuance of drafting instructions to amend the Churches Incorporation Act (2007 Revision);
- Approved the recommendation to waive the fees for the practicing license for the role of Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Nick Gent;
- Advised that approval should be given to support the Deputy Governor’s Administrative Circular “Guidance for Public Servants during a Period of Election Sensitivity” and approved for the Administrative Circular to be extended to public authorities in accordance with section 49(d) of the Public Authorities Act (2020 Revision);
- Approved for the Office of the Commission of Police to issue drafting instructions to revise the Police Regulations (1996 Revision);
- Approved the following pay awards for the Public Service Pensions Board:
o one-off honorarium of $450 per qualifying employees on Grades E and below to assist with increased costs during the summer months, to be paid in September 2022;
o 2%CostofLivingAdjustmenteffectiveSeptember2022;and
o 1-point within salary grade increment for qualifying employees on Grades E and below, effective December 2022;
- Refused an application made under Regulation 27(a) of the Legal Practitioners (Students) Regulations (2018 Revision);
- Confirmed approval granted by circulation on 23rd September 2022 for the Sunday Trading (Amendment of Schedule) Order, 2022;
- Confirmed approval granted by circulation on 23rd September 2022 for a temporary waiver of grade requirements for the Fall 2022 term only to maintain existing scholarships for those pursuing under-graduate studies overseas as well as those on scholarships for study at a variety of local educational institutions;
- Approved the National Pensions (Maximum Pensionable Earnings) Order, 2022;
- Approved the issuance of drafting instructions to amend the Immigration (Transition) Act (2022 Revision) in relation to the automatic forfeiture of rights under section 40(1) of the Act and provide clarity under section 37 for persons marrying a Caymanian;
- Approved the waiver of the Tourist Accommodation Tax for delegates attending the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force 55th Plenary in November 2022;
- Noted the Integrated Solid Waste Management System September 2022 update on programme to financial close;
- Noted the update on the 5 year review of the Cayman Islands National Energy Policy (2017-2037);
- Noted the Financial Report for the period 1st January 2022 – 31st August 2022; and
- Noted the quarantine exemptions granted by the Medical Officer of Health in accordance with the Control of Covid-19 (Travel) Regulations, 2021 for the period of 2020 – August 2022.
Published by the Cabinet Office on Wednesday, 5th October 2022.
Guidance Notes:
- Post meeting summaries will be published by the Cabinet Office following confirmation of the Minutes.
- Only a summary of the decisions will be published.
- Cabinet discussions will not be disclosed.
- Summaries of decisions of a sensitive nature, matters of national security, those where publication breaches regional or international conventions and those relating to personal privacy will not be disclosed.
- Post meeting summaries will be available on and the Cayman Islands Government’s digital channels.