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Your summer dates with reading!

Reading is fun! It opens a world of imagination for everyone and for some lucky student readers; it can lead to recognition and prizes!

This year, the Cayman Islands Library Service along with the Ministry of Education, Training and Employment have launched a Summer Reading Challenge for students out on summer break.

“Continued reading enables our students to remain on track and up to their skill level when they return to classes in September,” said Director of Libraries K.C. Williams.

The reading challenge encourages students to continue reading over the summer and allows students to start the new school year off with a bang as each participant’s school principal will be informed of the hard work their students did over the summer break.

Key dates for the Summer Reading Challenge are as follows:

10 – 13 July – Kick Off Programmes in libraries

16 – July 2012 – Challenge starts

25 – August 2012 – Challenge ends

29 August 2012 – All completed reading logs must be handed in at one of the public library branches and all website entries completed

31 August – Successful participants announced on website and in press release

10 September 2012 – Prize draw

14 September 2012 – Certificates distributed to all children who completed the challenge

September 2012 – Letters sent to principals advising them of students who completed the challenge

All public library branches provide access to the Internet and to the books included on the recommended reading lists in the programme booklet. Library staff will be available to help children make book selections and to complete entries on the Summer Reading Challenge website

For more information, contact your district library; Director of Libraries K.C. Williams at [email protected]; Youth Reference Librarian Juliet Lawson at [email protected]; or call the main library on 949 5159.



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