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Decriminalization of marijuana

Press statement from Belize press office

Belmopan, 16th July 2012.   A committee has been appointed by the Minister of National Security to evaluate and if, appropriate, make proposals for decriminalization of the possession of small portions of Cannabis Sativa (commonly known as Marijuana and Weed).

For the purpose of this exercise, the word decriminalization means that the treatment of the infraction will be adjusted so that most of the detriments are removed or reduced. The offence will then be subject to regularization, which will allow for the implementation of probationary measures. It is also proposed that no criminal record be kept in the first instance and portions of the penalty be reserved for education.

The current legislation treats the possession of less than 60 grams of marijuana as a criminal offence and is punishable by a fine of up to $50,000 and/or up to three years imprisonment.   This proposal is to decriminalize the possession of up to 10 grams of marijuana, which will then be subject to fines, mandatory drug education and imprisonment.

Increasing evidence that the current legislation clutters the courts and the prison with primarily a marginalized segment of our population drives this initiative.  The added impact of a permanent criminal record further disadvantages this already marginalized group as it establishes a barrier against meaningful employment.   The committee wishes to emphasize that the proposal is not to legalize the offence thereby purging it of all its penalties; it is merely to reduce and regulate.  This is further supported by international trends towards decriminalization.

The Committee recognizes that the instant proposal for the decriminalization of small quantities of Marijuana is a sensitive issue. All interested groups and individuals are hereby given an opportunity to express their views on the matter.     The committee invites you to offer a position in writing by letter or email. Please direct such correspondence to:

Douglas Singh – Committee Chair email: [email protected]

All comments by Friday July 20th

Representation to the committee, please indicate in your written respoinse.


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