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Tablets Triumph! Shoppers Convert More on Tablets (2.7%) Than Desktops and Phones

New data from reveals a surprising trend: tablet conversion rates have surged to a remarkable 2.7%, exceeding those of both desktops and smartphones. This unexpected finding suggests that tablets are finding a sweet spot with consumers, potentially becoming a key player in online shopping.

The site’s financial analyst, Edith Reads, comments:

Tablets might be filling a gap between desktops and phones. Tablets offer a larger screen than phones for a more immersive browsing experience, yet remain portable and convenient compared to desktops. Additionally, advancements in tablet technology might all be leading to a smoother user experience that facilitates higher conversion.Mobile devices and desktops hold the most significant market share over tablets, with the two leading at 62.5% and 35.02%, respectively, while the latter settles at a mere 2.5%. However, desktop and mobile devices fell behind tablets in conversion rates in the first quarter of the year,  trailing at 2.2% and 2%, respectively. 

Initially, desktop conversions were the highest, peaking over 3% in February 2023, but they experienced a significant decline, stabilizing below 2.5% by October before a sharp spike at the end of November 2023, followed by another decline. The full story and statistics can be found here: Tablets Triumph! Shoppers Convert More on Tablets (2.7%) Than Desktops and Phones


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