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HMS Trent Arrives in Cayman, Supports Disaster Preparedness 

Premier O’Connor-Connolly, Governor Owen and District Commissioner Tibbetts meet with HMS Trent Officers in Cayman Brac

Grand Cayman, 15 July 2024: Royal Navy vessel HMS Trent arrived in Cayman waters on Friday, 5 July following the Official Assistance Request (OAR) made by Her Excellency the Governor Mrs. Jane Owen, on behalf of the National Hazard Management (NHM) Executive. The request was placed in preparation for Hurricane Beryl’s projected arrival to the islands’ shores. While in our area, the Cayman Islands Regiment and Hazard Management Cayman Islands (HMCI), coordinated a tour for the ship’s personnel across Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac to review the islands’ infrastructure, visit key points for deployment and analyse capabilities. 

On Friday, members of the crew came ashore to meet with Regiment Major Tim Howard, and HMCI Director, Dani Coleman to discuss the itinerary for the days ahead. With a weather system forecasted to arrive on Sunday or Monday and regular operations taking place with the Port Authority Cayman Islands, time ashore was limited. Therefore, the Regiment conducted a reconnaissance, or recce of critical national infrastructure inclusive of meeting with key operational stakeholders and a presentation by HMCI of their ArcGIS Mapping capabilities. The visit shifted from relief to knowledge-building in preparations should they have to return. Major Howard shared that the “goal was to focus on developing situational awareness and enhancing strategic relationships, thereby building resilience should HMS Trent or Medway need to return to the Cayman Islands under more austere circumstances in the future.”

“It was a pleasure meeting with Lieutenant Commander Shelton and others to understand the specialisations of the crew members aboard HMS Trent. I am more than confident that although we were spared from Hurricane Beryl, their arrival was perfectly timed and allowed us a rare opportunity to build relationships with the crew for future recovery and restoration.” shared Governor Owen on her visit with the crew.

HMS Trent Officers with Governor Mrs. Jane Owen, Premier O’Connor-Connolly, District Commissioner Mark Tibbetts, Major Tim Howard and Sgt Major Marc Jefferies on Sunday, 7 July in Cayman Brac.

HMS Trent was stationed near Puerto Rico when the OAR was placed, and mission communicated to Commanding Officer, Commander Tim Langford. The crew had recently completed a training exercise ashore Puerto Rico and were placed on alert for British Overseas Territories as Hurricane Beryl became a Category 3 storm and headed past the Windward Islands. “Trent remains at high readiness to support our Overseas Territories in the event of hurricane or storm damage. Having operated in the Caribbean since December last year, we are fully prepared to deliver aid and assistance when called upon.”

Governor Owen hosts HMS Trent Officers at Government House

Key points of interest toured are listed below:

  • Health Services Authority, Grand Cayman
  • Faith Hospital, Cayman Brac
  • H.M. Prison
  • Hazard Management Cayman Islands
  • CI Regiment compound
  • Owen Roberts International Airport
  • Port Authority Cayman Islands
  • RCIPS Air Helicopter Operations

“The visit of the captain and crew of HMS Trent to the Cayman Islands highlights the vital importance of international collaboration in enhancing our national resilience. By maintaining strong partnerships such as these, we are better equipped to ensure public safety and respond effectively to major disasters. This engagement exemplifies our commitment to fostering cooperative relationships that bolster Cayman’s preparedness and fortify our capacity to protect and serve our communities.” Hon. Sabrina Turner, Minister for Home Affairs

Hon. Minister Sabrina Turner tours H.M. Prison meets with HMS Trent crew

On Saturday, 8 July, Minister of Home Affairs Hon. Sabrina joined the officers on a tour of His Majesty’s Prison. “The visit of the captain and crew of HMS Trent to the Cayman Islands highlights the vital importance of international collaboration in enhancing our national resilience. By maintaining strong partnerships such as these, we are better equipped to ensure public safety and respond effectively to major disasters. This engagement exemplifies our commitment to fostering cooperative relationships that bolster Cayman’s preparedness and fortify our capacity to protect and serve our communities.”

The following morning, 7 July HMS Trent arrived in Cayman Brac to meet with Premier, Hon. Juliana O’Connor-Connolly and District Commissioner Mark Tibbetts. Governor Owen, Major Howard, and Sergeant Major Marc Jefferies joined the meet and greet with the Premier. “The visit of HMS Trent was indeed reassuring, and it is a testament to our modern UK/Cayman partnership. We were able to visit the various infrastructure on the Brac, as well as discuss our level of preparedness. Truly we are blessed, and the passing of Hurricane Beryl was a reminder of this” Premier O’Connor-Conolly.

HMS Medway, currently undergoing maintenance, is the designated naval vessel to the Caribbean and was deployed to the Cayman Islands for Hurricane Ian relief in 2022. HMS Trent is temporarily assigned to the region and will continue through September or October for a smooth transition upon HMS Medway’s return. Knowledge sharing will take place between the crews before HMS Trent returns to the Mediterranean where it has been deployed to support NATO on its international security mission.

Royal Navy vessel HMS Trent, P224

About HMS TRENT and HMS Medway

HMS Trent is the third of the five Offshore Patrol Vessels being built to replace the current River Class vessels. HMS Trent is designed for: counter-piracy, anti-smuggling, fishery protection, border patrol, counter terrorism, humanitarian aid, search and rescue, general patrols, and defence diplomacy. 

HMS Medway has been deployed to the Caribbean as the Royal Navy’s permanent presence in the region since the beginning of 2020. She provides support to Britain’s overseas territories in the region, acting as a reassuring presence, providing support and humanitarian aid, and working side-by-side with regional law enforcement, helping to stop the flow of illegal drugs from South America to Europe and North America.

Crews comprises of 65 individuals such as engineers, medical officers, pilots, and other specialists who are trained by the Royal Marines, Royal Navy, or Army branches. Officers are committed to safeguarding the seas and making a global impact through humanitarian efforts.

Both crews are used for D-1 missions or the first day after a disaster strikes. Their assignment is to arrive on location and provide support to local authorities and identify areas for support by day 5. Orders are provided to the Commanding Officer following activation by the UK Armed Forces and Foreign Commonwealth Office by way of the Governor and or local government of the country in need. The officers work in partnership with the local authorities, reporting to their Commanding Officer. Should further assistance be required, such as providing relief to local emergency services personnel, infrastructure rebuilding and such, an updated request is made and fulfilled. 


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