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PS Audio July, 2024 Newsletter

From Paul McGowan

I don’t know about where you live, but here in Boulder, it’s been hotter’n the blazes. Today’s going to hit 100˚ F (cooling down each night into the 60s), which for me and Terri is wonderful but, for most others, too hot.

After a day’s work at PS and Octave, Terri and I typically hop on our bikes for a creekside ride, stopping in a favorite shady spot to enjoy the rush of cold water as it cools and moistens the air, then pedaling back for dinner and a relaxing evening in front of the boob tube watching the Olympics in France.

Aspen FR5s shipping
We first showed our gorgeous two-way stand-mount loudspeaker, the Aspen FR5, at Chicago’s Axpona. The little gems filled the entire auditorium-sized room and blew people away with their extraordinary bass and dynamics. And, to be honest, these speakers are the classic definition of an enigma. 

Your eyes cannot make sense of what your ears are experiencing. Big, deep, wide, and with a spacious soundstage, the first time you hear music through them, it is a total mystery how they do what they do. 

Today, both US customers and our international distributors are getting their FR5 orders shipped out of our California warehouse. Can’t wait!My favorite album

At Octave Records, we’ve released just under 60 albums, which is something we are all very proud of. But among those albums, one has to have a favorite and for me, it’s the latest release we’ve made.

I gotta tell you. Whenever I show off the PS Audio reference system this is now my go-to recording—better by leagues for its you-are-there sonics than anything else we have available via streaming or in our library.

If you want a true reference classic recording, I cannot recommend anything better than Jazz Classics of the 1950s

I know. The name’s a bit ordinary, and you might not generally like (or even know of) jazz classics from this era, but one listen to Old Devil Moon or the classic Brubeck Take Five, and you won’t have any doubts about the spacious, musicians-in-the-room qualities.

We recorded this piece live in the studio (except for the singer who we added later in the iso-booth). Microphones used were primarily the Geffels, but those incredible cymbals and snare smacks were captured effortlessly by a pair of Neuman U67 vacuum tube microphones. And, the entire sound was first preamplified through our beloved Manley vacuum tube preamplifiers, straight into the Pyramix DSD256 recorder running at 11.2mHz per channel.

If you get a chance, go here and grab a copy or simply have a listen to the samples. Even they don’t mess around.
Celebrating 50 years
Over the next few months, via YouTubePaul’s Post, and Copper Magazine, we’ll be featuring stories and remembrances of products that we’ve built and worked on since we began this amazing journey 50 years ago. 

One of the first such stories is a 9-part series on Paul’s Post about a product our chief engineer, Bob Stadtherr and I designed and shipped while I took a break from PS at Genesis Technologies. You can go here to start the series on the Genesis Digital Lens, the first intelligent buffer/reclocker/rebuilder in the high-end digital audio world.

Until next month
Stay well my friend and thanks for taking a minute out of your busy life to connect with me and PS Audio’s HiFi Family. We are honored and blessed by your presence.

Paul McGowan
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