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NEW COURSE BEGINS TOMORROW! 40 years ago, the Rebbe launched a revolutionary learning program

An all new course from

Beginning July 31, 2024
The Rebbe taught that mastering Rambam (Maimonides) was like mastering the entire Torah. This year marks 40 years since the Rebbe launched a revolutionary learning program designed to make the Rambam’s teachings accessible to every Jew. Join us in this milestone year to explore the depth and breadth of the Rambam’s works, and discover how his teachings can unify and elevate the Jewish community worldwide.


Trust us, you won’t want to miss out!

From Moses to Moses: Discovering the Rambam
What makes the Rambam’s teachings so unique? In this first lesson, we travel through time and space— from Mt. Sinai to Jerusalem to 12th century Spain— to understand the Rambam’s place in Jewish history. Join us as we take our first steps into The Rambam Revolution: Jewish Unity Through Maimonides, uncovering the timeless wisdom of the Rambam.
The Foundation of Wisdom: Rambam on Torah Study
Can we truly know G-d? The Rambam teaches that it is not only possible – but an obligation for every Jew! In this lesson, we delve into the Rambam’s approach to Torah study and learn how we can come to achieve a deeper understanding and connection with G-d through our intellectual and spiritual pursuits.
With a Full Heart: Rambam on Divine Service
It’s one thing to serve G-d in the synagogue, but are we performing Divine service while going to the grocery store? In this lesson, we’ll follow the Rambam’s blueprint for how to infuse every action with holiness, from the mundane to the once-in-alifetime.
No Famine, No War: Rambam on the Messianic Era
The Rambam is undoubtedly a giant of Jewish thought, yet many of his teachings run counter to the majority of Rabbinic authorities. Especially his views of the messianic era. In this final lesson of our course, we’ll learn about what makes Rambam’s perspective so unique – and what implications that has for the Jewish present, as well as the Jewish future. 


Classes begin Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 7:00pm ET / 4:00pm PT and continue weekly on Wednesdays.

All lessons can be watched on-demand after they air.

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