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You’re invited to bid farewell to the Cayman Islands Robotics Team – Saturday, 21 September

Please join us on Saturday, 21 September from 10 a.m. as we bid farewell and wish the 2024 Cayman Islands National Robotics team good luck as they head to Athens, Greece to compete in the 2024 FIRST Global Challenge.

The Cayman Islands is one of 190 countries competing in this year’s competition. Take a moment and browse through the National Robotics Team booklet (attached) to get to know the team, their robot and the team mentors.

The FIRST Global Challenge commences on Thursday, 26 September. The FIRST Global Challenge is an Olympics-style, international robotics competition that takes place in a different country every year. Last year, the team ventured to Singapore.


We are Team Cayman Islands, a group of dynamic high school students
and FIRST Tech Challenge competitors from seven Cayman Islands high
schools. Our team consists of eight members aged 14 to 17 years old.
Strong teamwork, collaboration and friendship is at the heart of who we are.

The Cayman Islands robotics journey began when the Cayman Islands
participated in the 2018 FIRST Global Challenge in Mexico City. Following
that event, the Cayman Islands began a FIRST Tech interschool programme
that included all Cayman Islands high schools. Our national team has
representation from several of our high schools across our three islands –
uniting as one national team.

United by our passion for robotics, we share a love for STEM and tech
innovation. As a team, we share our passion for STEM through community
outreach and by inspiring Cayman’s youth to get involved in robotics. We are
excited that FIRST Global provides us with a platform to help raise robotics
awareness and Team Cayman Islands is determined to be a country that
recognises robotics as a sport.

We feel deeply connected to this year’s theme ‘Feeding the Future’. As a small
island nation with limited productive capacity, we import most of our food. We
are excited to help develop solutions that can address food security.

“Like any team sport, robotics teaches
the value of teamwork, communication,
time management, practice and the
ability to perform under pressure.
Most importantly it is great fun,
especially having the opportunity to
compete on the international stage
where the team can pit their wits and
apply their STEM skills against teams
from all over the world.”

Glenda McTaggart
Senior Manager
Education Programme


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