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Cayman: National Week of Readiness Urges Hurricane Preparedness

As the hurricane season progresses, the Cayman Islands Government is pleased to announce that 18–25 September 2024 will be acknowledged as a National Week of Readiness. This initiative, led by Hazard Management Cayman Islands (HMCI), is part of a broader effort to cultivate a culture of preparedness and ensure that all residents remain vigilant for the most active period of the hurricane season.

Historically, the latter half of the Atlantic hurricane season presents heightened risk due to increased storm activity. Residents are encouraged to take proactive steps to safeguard themselves, their families, and their properties. The National Week of Readiness will serve as a timely reminder to support this effort.

Hon. Premier Juliana O’Connor-Conolly expressed deep gratitude for the mercies received so far, while urging continued vigilance: “By the grace of God, we have been spared to this point in the season, and we are truly grateful. However, as we enter the most dangerous period of the hurricane season, it is important to remain prepared, vigilant, and supportive of each other. We must not only ensure our own safety, but we should also be our brother’s keeper by extending help to those who need it. Let us prepare in faith and in action, trusting that by working together, we can face whatever may come.”

HMCI Director, Dani Coleman further emphasized the importance of continuous vigilance this season. “While we have been fortunate to avoid severe impacts thus far, the potential for sudden and significant storm activity remains. Rapid intensification of storms is very real this season and we need to be ready for them. The National Week of Readiness is a reminder to take practical steps now, rather than waiting for an imminent threat. Secure your homes, gather essential supplies, and stay informed through official channels,” the Director advised.

Local supermarkets, Kirk Market, Fosters and Hurley’s have partnered with the Government by offering “Blue Tag Specials” throughout the national week of readiness on identified hurricane items for household pantries. Special displays will highlight essential items for hurricane preparedness, such as non-perishable food, bottled water, first aid supplies, flashlights, and batteries.

To ensure preparedness this season, the following recommendations are provided:

Create a Hurricane Emergency Plan: Identify safe locations within your home and community, plan evacuation routes, and ensure all family members are aware of communication procedures in case of emergency.

Pack an Emergency Bag: Ensure each family member has a readily accessible bag with personal identification, necessary medications, important documents, and basic supplies including food, water, and toiletries.

Stock an Emergency Kit: Assemble enough non-perishable food and water for at least three days per person, along with a battery-powered radio, flashlights, and extra batteries. A fully stocked first aid kit is also essential.

Stay Informed: Monitor official Government communications via CIG channels, including Radio Cayman for updates and the Cayman Islands National Weather Service, for the most current weather forecasts and emergency instructions.

The Government remains committed to ensuring the safety of all residents, and this National Week of Readiness serves as a timely reminder that preparedness is key to reducing the risk of harm during a hurricane. It is never too late to act.

For additional information on preparedness and resources, please visit or follow Cayman Islands Government and HMCI’s social media platforms for ongoing updates and preparedness tips.


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