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UWI Chancellor Dr. Dodridge Miller chairs his first  University Council meeting

Regional Headquarters, Jamaica. Tuesday, September 17, 2024—The University of the West Indies (The UWI) held a Special Meeting of its University Council on Friday, September 13. The meeting marked the inaugural chairmanship by the new Chancellor, Dr The Most Honourable Dodridge D. Miller, FB, FCCA, MBA, LL.M, LLD (Hon), signalling the beginning of a new chapter of leadership in The UWI’s history. 

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Hilary Beckles in delivering introductory remarks at the meeting commended DrMiller for his distinguished career as a public servant and for his exceptional service to the University prior to this new roleas the 7th Chancellor of the regional university.Extending an official welcome to him asChancellor Miller, Vice-Chancellor Beckleshighlighted his commitment to academic excellence, governance, and diversity, and expressed his confidence in his ability to lead the University to new heights.He praised Chancellor Miller’s character, integrity, and passion for higher education, and described him as an honourable man who will uphold the values and traditions of the institution.

In his inaugural address, Chancellor Miller expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to serve in the University’s highest office and his commitment of stewardship to The UWI. He indicated that he was approaching his new role with an open mind, including being supportive and collaborative across all parts of the University. Chancellor Miller also articulated his desire to see The UWI to continue its tradition of academic excellence and to make a positive impact on society. He urged the university community to become better at its own story-telling, making The UWI the university of choice.

The special council meeting agenda began with a moment of silence in honour of the late Chancellor, Sir Shridath Ramphal, who passed away on August 30. The agenda then delved into updates on the University’s strategic plan, financial report, the new International School for Development Justice (ISDJ), senior appointments, and an update on the implementation of recommendations of the Chancellor’s Commission on Governance. These topics were discussed, allowing Council members to exchange ideas and provide feedback.

Chancellor Miller voiced his gratitude for the support of his fellow Council members. He also reaffirmed his commitment to The UWI’s mission, stating, “I am committed to the idea of The UWI as an instrument for Caribbean development, and look forward to playing my part in this journey.”

The Vice-Chancellor, also commented on this historical meeting, saying, “This meeting serves as a strong starting point for our new Chancellor. We look forward to his strategic thinking and proactive decision-making to ensure that the University achieves its goals and objectives as we continue on our path to excellence.”


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