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Gun Laws vs. Crime Rates

Do gun control laws really decrease crime rates? We wanted answers and wrote a report on gun control and crime rates in 2024. Our findings weren’t terribly surprising. Many Second Amendment advocates have surmised that gun control doesn’t work, and our research supports the claim.

Take a look at some of the highlights in our report:

  • National homicide rates increase with gun control and decrease with federal regulations relaxed.
  • Firearms are used in 73% of homicides in strict gun law states and 75% of homicides in relaxed gun law states.
  • Homicide rates vary widely despite state gun control laws.

The U.S. government and state governments have been passing anti-2A legislation for over ninety years. These laws have had little impact on firearm-related deaths for nearly a century.

Read our full report and explore all of our findings here:


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