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Personal: Blessings and appreciation from Chabad.ORG

By the Grace of G‑d
28 Elul, 5784

Dear Friend,

As we prepare to celebrate Rosh Hashanah and beseech G-d to grant us a good year, I’d like to take a moment to share a blessing with you — on behalf of myself and the entire team:

Shanah Tovah — a good and sweet New Year — to you, to our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, and to the entire world! May this be a truly blessed year in every possible way!

This week, before the onset of Rosh Hashanah, my colleagues and I will be visiting the Rebbe’s resting place, following the millennia-old custom to beseech the righteous for intercession On High in time for the New Year. We will be praying for blessing for all our partners and ‘constituents,’ and we’d be overjoyed to bring your name(s) to the Rebbe’s resting place for prayer and blessing(s).

If you’d like us to do so on your behalf, please press ‘reply’ and include your name, the names of all for whom you seek prayer at the Rebbe’s resting place, as well as any specific prayer requests you’d like us to bring on your behalf (more details further below).

May your coming year be replete with goodness — especially health, happiness and livelihood, in great abundance! — for you and for your loved ones, and for the entire world!

L’Shanah Tovah!


Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin
Executive Director

P.S. You may have heard that we are in the middle of an important fundraiser for If you’d like to support our High Holiday work, feel free to contribute to our timely High Holiday Appeal. Thank you.

To have us pray on your behalf at the Rebbe’s resting place, please see the following:

To pray for people who are Jewish: 
Please list each person’s Jewish name and their mother’s Jewish name.

Prayers for people who are not Jewish:
Please list each person’s name and their father’s name.

(If you’d prefer to send your prayer requests directly, you can do so here.)

Shanah Tovah to you and yours!

Every day, millions of people around the world depend on for teachings, inspiration, and life tools. Please donatehere to support our work. Please also remember Chabad.ORG in your will

Our mailing address is: · 770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405 · Brooklyn, NY 11213


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