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British Prime Minister, Keir Starmer’s legacy in his first few months

IMAGE: The Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer’s official portraits upon his official appointment by His Majesty The King. Picture by Simon Dawson/ No 10 Downing Street

From Edwyn Nicholson, Published in Quora

Keir Starmer has cut Winter Fuel Payments for 10,000,000 elderly people (including 70% of disabled elderly people and 83% of those aged 80+), despite the fact that his own party research shows that he might kill thousands of innocent people.

He’s also scrapped the planned cap on care costs for elderly and disabled people while cutting any new money for the NHS over the winter period, so the death toll could ultimately be a lot higher.

He has plunged his government into multiple scandals due to his hoovering up more gifts and freebies than any other MP in Parliament (2019–24) and he is now under an official corruption investigation in a possible “jobs for cash” scandal (which is unsurprising considering the fact he has already been found guilty of breaking the MPs Code of Conduct at least eight times).

He has undemocratically surrendered strategically important British territory to the ally of a powerful enemy, with struggling British taxpayers actually paying the new owners while they takeover our territory, all the while weakening the UK-US relationship, at a time of geopolitical instability.

This means the Labour Party have (yet again) betrayed the Chagos Islanders, giving away their homeland without so much as consulting them (it was Labour who originally removed them from that homeland).

Unsurprisingly, Labour have therefore encouraged foreign powers to renew their determination to take British territory (Argentina has responded and immediately reasserted its claim to full sovereignty over the British Falkland Islands).

He has demanded that Israel immediately ceasefire and leave the racist, misogynistic, homophobic, genocidal, mass murdering, lunatic, Islamic dictatorship of Hamas in power over Gaza (subsequently going on to cut support to Israel and repeatedly insult our Israeli allies).

Meanwhile, his Foreign Secretary is a man who has argued for Britain to abandon its nuclear defences, refused to support Israeli hostages in Gaza, repeatedly attacked a US Presidential candidate, damaged charity efforts in Africa, made himself look like an idiot on Mastermind, and started a diplomatic row when he praised the ethnic cleansing of 100,000+ ethnic Armenians from Artsakh as a “liberation”.

Starmer immediately halted the Freedom of Speech Act 2023, which required universities and students unions to promote and protect lawful freedom of speech on campuses and stop the practice of “no-platforming” and unfair, politically motivated academic dismissals..

He’s disrupting the education of tens of thousands of British children as he forces them out of their private schools and away from their friends, onto an already struggling state school sector, meaning that the poorer kids in those schools will then suffer from the greater class numbers, all to help keep private schools the preserve of the truly wealthy.

His Justice Secretary has risked public safety and released violent criminals early while planning to introduce official state-sponsored gender discrimination, his Energy Secretary is a net zero ideology fanatic, and his Women’s Minister doesn’t actually know what women are.

He has responded to the Channel Crossings Crisis with the immediate abolition of what little deterrence we had (Rwanda) and is also reported to be planning ways to encourage the illegal migrants and make them more comfortable with “Operation Scatter”, rehoming illegal migrants while leaving Brits to struggle for years on waiting lists.

He plans to continue ecologically unsustainable neverending population growth via mass immigration with attacks on the British green belt (Labour renaming it “grey belt”), endangering the beautiful British countryside and our biodiversity.

That’s just in the first few months of his premiership.

We have almost five years to go.


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