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“I don’t believe independents can manage this country” says former Cayman Islands Premier McKeeva Bush

Hon. McKeeva Bush

From The Editor

Speaking last Tuesday (22) former Premier, the West Bay Member of Parliament, and former Speaker of the House, McKeeva Bush, has launched a new Party”One Better Cayman”. However, he said it was “non-profit” and not a Political Party.

“I don’t believe independents can manage this country,” he said, and added we have to end the “British bureaucracy.”, which has crippled the civil service from executing plans.

What these plans were from the civil service that the British Government had crippled he didn’t elaborate.

It is well known he wants Independence from the United Kingdom when some years ago he pointed at the Union Jack flying at The Owen Roberts Airport, and in front of British and overseas dignitaries, he said he wanted to see a “Cayman lslands only flag” there instead.

“My sole objective now is to help ensure that the Cayman Islands is prepared to meet with the challenges of today and tomorrow,” Bush said.

“The board of this proposed new party will determine the leadership” and he said he had the backing of a number of individuals without naming who they were. These “individuals would ‘screen potential candidates'”.

He said he would be prepared to consider working with the Progressives in a coalition.

[Editor] This is assuming his new party would vote for this…?

Bush did not share any names of his party’s board members nor did he believe in the cruise referendum.. He knows that “this country needs the cruise industry.”

The mission of this organisation is “empowering communities through sustainable development, social justice and holistic well being.”

We await with much interest to see what happens next …. if anything……..


  1. Bush has [done] more damage to Cayman than hurricane Ivan. He is a xxxxxxx ,, a failed banker , a failed gardener , a failed gambler, a total abject failure. He could not organize a pissup in a brewery.
    With respect to Jim Reeves he not only has to go but MUST GO,.

    EDITO: We have edited this Message due to claim not being proved.

  2. Bush supports the cruise industry . The plans for the extension of the port includes taking over and filling in Red Spot Beach. Yet he made a statement in the Compass that Red Spot Beach should be used for fishermen ( two of them) VENDORS and Caymanians and that is why he wants to compulsory acquire my land that I have owned for over 50 years.

    This man speaks with a forked tongue like the Serpent in the Bible.

    How can you trust him? You cannot and never should.

    As to mixing with expats. I never saw him at a single football or cricket match when I played both sports in West Bay. Integration works both ways Mr Bush. I personally find you are too pompous to mix with anyone.


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