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Grand Cayman, 28 October 2024 — The Ministry of Investment, Innovation, and Social Development (MIISD) is pleased to announce that several amendment bills have been approved by Cabinet. The proposed legislative reforms aim to bolster protections for children, young people, and older persons in the Cayman Islands while ensuring they meet the needs of the community.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Investment, Innovation, and Social Development, André Ebanks, commented:

“These substantial amendment bills reflect our commitment to protecting our children, young people, and older persons. Our strength as a community is measured by the care we extend to those who rely on us for support and safeguarding. By modernising our social development legislative framework that guards many of the most vulnerable, we demonstrate our commitment to protecting the vulnerable while building a future where every person, regardless of age, can thrive with dignity and respect.”

Amendment Bills Overview:

The Older Persons (Amendment) Bill, 2024 seeks to enhance the protections and rights of older persons in the Cayman Islands to develop an age-friendly community. It proposes strengthening the role of the Council for Older Persons in advocating for older persons. In addition, the Bill empowers and assigns, for the first time, a Department to be specifically responsible to seek intervention orders where necessary to help older persons and to offer robust programmes focused on economic and social well-being. Importantly, it introduces new safeguards against abuse and neglect, including the establishment of an offence of abuse or neglect against an older person by someone in a position of trust. The Older Persons Tribunal is also established in this Bill and will be hear grievances in relation to infringements on the rights of older persons and the duties of mandatory reporting entities.

The Children (Amendment) Bill, 2024 brings forward crucial updates to child protection legislation. This Bill includes expansions to mandatory reporting requirements for child abuse and neglect to ensure quicker intervention. In line with these changes, the voice of the child is prioritised, especially in key decisions affecting their life.

The Adoption Bill, 2024 represents a long overdue, major overhaul of the Cayman Islands’ adoption framework. Drawing on extensive consultations in 2023 and 2024 with key stakeholders, including focus groups and extensive discussions with non-governmental organisations as well as government agencies. This Bill modernises the adoption process, ensuring that it is more accessible and transparent. It incorporates safeguards and provisions to address and streamline various types of adoptions, both domestic and internationally, with a focus on the best interests of the child at every stage.

The Maintenance (Amendment) Bill, 2024 aims to streamline the legal provisions for child maintenance by integrating them into the Children (Amendment) Bill, 2024, creating a more cohesive and efficient approach to ensuring the financial welfare of children. This integration strengthens the legal tools available to ensure parents meet their obligations, simplifying the process for both families and the legal system.

The public consultation period is currently open until Monday, 25 November 2024. Community feedback is welcome as the Ministry aims to for these reforms to be fit for purpose and serve the long-term needs of the Cayman Islands.

For more information, on how to provide consultative feedback on these amendment bills, please visit .


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