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Cayman: Radar Upgrades to Enhance Weather Services and Safety

The Cayman Islands Government, in its ongoing commitment to safeguard public safety and enhance disaster management capabilities, is pleased to announce the awarding of the Kearney Gomez Doppler Radar upgrade contract to Leonardo Germany. Leonardo Germany provides leading-edge technology products, services and solutions in the field of Meteorology. This decision follows a careful analysis and selection process, reaffirming the Government’s strategic initiative to maintain the highest standards in meteorological services and environmental monitoring.

Premier Hon. Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, said, “The Government of the Cayman Islands is committed to this vital project as part of its broader strategy to modernize infrastructure and ensure the safety and well-being of all its residents.”

The Kearney Gomez Doppler Radar, a pivotal asset of the Cayman Islands National Weather Service (CINWS), is nearing the end of its operational lifespan. With increasing risks of system failures that could compromise its effectiveness, an upgrade has become essential to continue providing precise and reliable weather data. The radar’s enhancement is critical not only for detecting rapid weather formations but also for supporting effective disaster management throughout the islands.

Leonardo Germany, the original manufacturer of the radar system, has been selected for their proven expertise and innovative technology solutions. This partnership ensures that the upgrade aligns with international meteorological standards and leverages the latest advancements in radar technology.

John Tibbetts, Director General of CINWS, stated, “The upgrade will address the aging infrastructure and obsolescence of critical components that pose risks during severe weather events, particularly in the hurricane season. The comprehensive upgrade is designed to extend the radar’s service life by an additional 12 years, enhancing its reliability and performance.”

The radar upgrade is scheduled to commence immediately, with completion targeted for the end of 2025. To minimize disruption to radar operations, all major upgrade activities requiring system downtime are meticulously planned for execution outside of the hurricane season.

The initiative will significantly bolster the Cayman Islands’ ability to monitor severe weather, thereby protecting lives, property, and the economic vitality of the nation. It ensures that residents and businesses continue to receive timely and accurate weather information, crucial for making informed decisions during weather emergencies.


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