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Shrimp With Three Citrus Salad

Shrimp with three citrus salad recipe makes something very light yet completely satisfying, an easy shrimp salad recipe.

This makes a great light meal with a zip of citrus and soy.

Yield: 4 servings 
Serving Size: 1.000 Serving




3/4 cup soft herbs such as basil or parsley

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup olive oil

2 medium lemons

2 medium limes

2 large oranges

2 small cloves garlic, peeled and minced fine

2 cups mixed greens

1 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined

1/4 cup soy sauce

Salt and ground black pepper to taste

Recipe Directions

1. Juice all the lemons, limes, and oranges in an average size bowl. Put in the garlic, soy sauce, with olive oil and beat until well mixed. Take away 4 tablespoons for the salad dressing and store in a jar. Include the shrimp and keep it marinated in the refrigerator for half hour.

2. Heat a grilling pan over a high flame until about to smoke. Cook the shrimp until they are bowed and crimson for almost 3 minutes per side then season them with salt and pepper.

3. Toss the baby greens with the stored dressing.

4. With the left over citrus, use a pointed knife and cut away the outer skin with all the white pith. Cautiously slice each segment of fruit away from the crust making orange, lemon, and lime, segments. Add with the greens and herbs.

5. Put the greens and citrus in the bowl first and then include the shrimp on top of the greens and then you can serve.

Nutrition Facts 
Per 1.000 Serving 
Total Calories: 599 Carbohydrates: 26.01 g 
Total Fat: 54.54 g Protein: 7.83 g 
Sat Fat: 7.36 g Fiber: 4.23 g 
Cholesterol: 11 mg Sodium: 4245 mg

For more on this recipe go to:





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