McLaughlin comes out fighting but McLean has to retire
McLaughlin was giving his reply to the premier’s nearly 31/2 hour budget presentation saying it was “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Quoting from Shakespeare’s Macbeth was a worthy beginning. He talked of the “pretend budgets” Bush had given since he came to office.
He was shocked that the premier could imagine there was a “quiet restoration of confidence in Cayman”. If there was it was not due to the United Democratic Party (UDP) or himself, he inferred.
Continually blaming the past PPM government after three years as the reason for the country’s woes was at odds with the premier’s election campaign. Bush had constantly rattled the cage bars saying, he (Bush) was the man for the job and could fix the problems. “The government has run out of time,” McLaughlin shouted.
Bush had given less than seven sentences concerning the George Town Dock the opposition leader said. “This was the key pillar in the UDP’s goals for recovery.”
McLaughlin then went on about the size of the civil service and the need for a strategic plan to deal with it.
He had earlier said how horrified he had been at the government’s unprecedented step of proposing to introduce income tax and its high levels of incompetence.
It was a fighting speech and I have not heard him be so articulate.
Before the main fight got started on the undercard was East End Independent MLA Arden McLean. He came out from his corner and asked the premier, “In light of all the uncertainty surrounding the budget, has the UK minister Henry Bellingham signed off on the given budget and given it the nod?”
Mr. Bush evaded the question saying,” “I said on Monday where we stood. We have reached the point where the FCO wanted us to meet as far as our expenditure is concerned. It is compliant with what we have agreed. It is legal. It has been approved by the Governor in Cabinet. It is in keeping with the Cayman Islands Constitution and with all the things the UK wanted us to do. The member well knows the process and I’ve explained all that.”
McLean registered his objections saying, “The premier is playing Russian roulette with the UK and the only people who are going to suffer are the Cayman people.”
Unfortunately, McLean had to retire due to the Speaker of the House refusing to allow him to continue.