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Countdown to Peace Day

National Logo for Peace Day

The Department of Counselling Services’ Family Resource Centre (FRC) is proud to take the lead in hosting the Peace Day celebrations throughout the Cayman Islands.

For the first time, our country will join millions of people around the world to celebrate International Peace Day on 21 September — a day when people resolve to put their differences aside and promote peace, particularly in countries that have recently known war, civil conflicts, social strife, and political upheavals.

In five days, Cayman will become a part of a global truce by celebrating peace through education, raising public awareness on active non-violence and strengthening ideals of peace among people of all ages.

For other countries, the day has proven to be an annual opportunity for people to come together and celebrate a day of non-violence.

“Fellow citizens and residents, let us all use this day to commit to making peace not just a priority, but a passion. Let us pledge to do more wherever we are, in whatever way we can, to make this day and every day, a day of peace,” urged Minister of Community Affairs, Hon. Mike Adam, MBE, JP.

As part of the Peace Day activities, a ceremony will be held at Dart Park — home of Cayman’s Peace Pole — at 6 pm on Friday, 21 September. Schools and community organisations will showcase artistic representations of peace through dance, art and music.

A local video titled Peace Begins with Me will also be debuted at the event. This is a humorous and educational film that aims to spark a conversation about ways the Cayman Islands can explore peace and non-violence. All are invited to attend.

Thrilled about the event, FRC’s Programme Coordinator Miriam Foster noted, “I am delighted that different leading organisations are all united to bring people together on this special day. Through this cohesive effort to arrange a great line up of activities, it is a clear demonstration of just how important peace is for all of us to do our work and achieve our goals.”

Encouraging as much participation as possible, Director of Counselling Services Judith Seymour adds, “The impact of this day cannot be underestimated. Together we can decrease the level of violence, raise awareness about alternative ways of dealing with violence and save lives here in Cayman and around the world.”

Individuals, families and organisations are also encouraged to join the Peace Maker Pledge as a way to promote peace throughout these islands. With this pledge, persons are welcomed to submit a photo which will be included in a slideshow to be displayed at the event.

Ms Seymour reminds the public that everyone should “look at the 21 September as a day where we reflect on the impact our actions have and how peace can begin with just one person.”

For more information on Peace Day, to make a pledge or participate at the event, contact FRC at 949-0006 or email [email protected].



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