
iLocal News Archives

Nominate Your Hero

The week starting Monday, 24 September, GIS Spotlight highlights Heroes Day nominations, Right to Know Week and — it’s now the law not to text or talk on your cell phone and drive.

Service to youth does not cease with school but encompasses their whole lives. Many individuals and groups have dedicated their lives to making our youth ready for life. Now is your chance to show your appreciation for these individuals who will be honoured on National Heroes Day 2013, the theme of which is Recognising Youth Services.

Tune in to GIS Spotlight to see how you can take part in the process of choosing awardees, as we bring you the nomination process and where to find the forms. Remember you only have until 10 October. So be sure to view the show.

Next, Right to Know Week with its theme It’s Yours…Just Ask starts on Sunday, 22 September and runs until 29 September. Join us to discover ways to exercise your right to know and to seek a more accountable and transparent government.

Finally, it’s time to holster your mobile phone so you don’t text or hold one to your ear while you drive. Otherwise, you will be breaking the law that came into force on Friday, 21 September.

GIS Spotlight brings you valuable advice from RCIPS officers how you can still talk and drive if you follow the rules. Learn about discounts now on offer at both LIME and Digicel to keep you law-abiding.

Produced by GIS Marketing and Communications, GIS Spotlight highlights government’s services and solutions regarding issues that concern and affect you.

The weekly programme airs Mondays on Cayman27 at 8 p.m. and on Saturdays at 6 p.m.

All stories seen in the week’s GIS Spotlight can also be found on the GIS Marketing and Communications website:

Comments and suggestions about the programme are always welcome. Viewers can provide feedback by e-mailing [email protected]. (GIS)



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