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Civil Servant En-route to Gaining Associates Degree

Attendees from the Fire Service, Customs and DCI in class at the George Town Fire Station.

Finding time to further your education while working full time and maintaining a family can prove to be difficult. The Civil Service College of the Cayman Islands (CSC) is aware of these challenges and actively looks for dynamic ways to support members of the civil service.

This commitment to removing barriers to learning recently resulted in the launch of a new approach to learning for the staff members of the Cayman Islands Fire Service, who had previously found it difficult to participate in classes off site offered by the CSC.

Accordingly the CSC arranged for two classes to be taught at the George Town Fire stations to help overcome this barrier. On Tuesday, 4 September, 2012, members of the Cayman Islands’ Fire Department, the Immigration Department, Customs Department and Department of Investment and Commerce (DCI) began this new developmental journey.

The two classes being offered, this semester, include: Introduction to Leadership & Teamwork   as well as Public Speaking. Both sessions are a part of the Associates’ Degree in Public Administration, which many in the Fire Service are pursuing.

The on-site classes will be added to the credits they had already received by earning their ILM Endorsed Leadership & Management certificate in December 2011.

Dr. Paula Grace Anderson-Suarez, a Senior Lecturer in Humanities at the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) teaches the public speaking course. She stated “I am truly impressed by the dedication, graciousness, enthusiasm and mature learning attitudes at the group.”  She further commented “This outreach is typical of the scope and commitment of the Civil Service College and the mature attitudes of the student-members of all ages.”

Each of the fire officers in the course has been keen to continue their learning and fulfil the requirements of the associates’ degree. Chief Fire Officer, Mr. Dennom Bodden was very pleased with the CSC willingness and ability to meet the needs of the Fire Officers.

He stated, “It is important to be able to get training for our Fire Service Officers, I encourage my entire team to participate, and we are happy to continue to enhance the capabilities of each of the team members, so that we can all do our part in moving the service forward. “

For more information about the Civil Service College and the courses they offer online and with their partner UCCI, please contact the school at [email protected] or visit their website at

Photo by Information Officer Kristi Anderson


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