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Cayman to Celebrate Caribbean Statistics Day

Monday, 15 October, is being observed as Caribbean Statistics Day. Join in Cayman’s celebrations led by the Economics and Statistics Office (ESO).

The Economics and Statistics Office (ESO) will lead observance of CARICOM-designated Caribbean Statistics Day in the Cayman Islands on Monday, 15 October, with a slew of activities.

This year’s theme, Working together to improve statistics in the 21st century and beyond, helps emphasise the crucial role that statistics play across a wide spectrum of activities: “from daily decision-making faced by individuals, businesses, students etc. to planning, policy-making and analysis and research activities of governments, academia and other users.”

To mark the occasion and promote greater awareness about statistics, CARICOM Secretary General, Ambassador Irwin Larocque, will issue a message.

The Cayman Islands will highlight the importance of statistics that are credible, relevant, timely and user-friendly and that inform meaningful decision-making by government, the private sector and all other stakeholders.

Activities begin a day early on Sunday, 14 October, with a church service at Agape Family Worship Centre. This will be followed by a potluck lunch for ESO staff and their families at the South Sound Community Centre, ESO Senior Statistician, Mr. Crispin Boney outlined.

On Monday, ESO staff will make presentations on the Census data to students of John Gray and Clifton Hunter high schools during the day and a similar presentation to the statistics students at the University College of the Cayman Islands at 7.30 p.m., he noted.

Additionally, radio personality Mr. Sterling Dwayne Ebanks will host a group discussion on Radio Cayman’s Talk Today at 1 p.m., featuring ESO Acting Director Ms Elizabeth Talbert and Senior Statistician Ms Julietta Beaupierre, Customs Training Manager Mr. Langlie Powery and Chamber of Commerce CEO Mr. Wil Pineau, he said.

Also, GIS Spotlight will feature a segment on Statistics Day in its weekly show aired on local television and Radio Cayman as well as seen on the Government Information Services website and on the GIS page on YouTube, he added.



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