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Stop Killing Lab Monkeys for Being Too Large!

  • Target: British Government, British Laboratories
  • Sponsored by: Chris Wolverton

Since early October 2012, British laboratories have been killing macaque monkeys because they have grown too large to be useful in experiments. The monkeys, most of which were intended for use in toxicology tests, are given a lethal injection into their hearts and are then incinerated. Disturbing images show the monkeys piled in laboratory garbage bins.

According to the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV), the Noveprim breeding farm is also killing pregnant and baby monkeys. BUAV director Sarah Kite said, “This is a cruel and senseless slaughter. It is unacceptable that monkeys who have been exploited for years are now simply discarded because they are of no further use to this company.”

Macaque monkeys should be given the chance to live out their lives in the wild or in a caring sanctuary. Please sign the petition to stop killing monkeys because of their size!

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