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FFR bill brought to LA not without more controversy

Finally the Framework for Fiscal Responsibility (FFR) was incorporated into the amended version of the Public Management and Finance Law (PMFL) to the Legislative Assembly (LA) on Wednesday (7) to incorporate the agreement.

However, the regulations were not ready. The amendments relating to the procurement process that were required by the UK have been placed in the regulations rather than the substantive law.

Alden McLaughlin

Peoples Progressive Movement (PPM) leader Alden McLaughlin, and Independent MLA’s Arden Mclean and Ezzard Miller were concerned. No one had seen the new version of the law that had been amended to exclude the changes premier McKeeva Bush had previously inserted. The MLA’s wanted to know if the UK had agreed to the changes to government procurement being placed in the supporting regulations rather than the main law.

All the opposition members asked Acting Deputy Governor, Dax Basedo, to call the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in London and reassure the chamber the UK was happy with the procurement details being laid out in the regulations.

McLaughlin said, “We can forgive him (the premier) the breach of the constitution as it needs to get done. The country has been on the brink of crisis because the premier was determined to get into a battle with the FCO. We know someone has had a ‘come to Jesus’ moment with the premier and he is finally doing the right thing and I am thankful, but if we are asked to vote on this and ensure he honours his commitment to the UK government, how are we to know whether or not the bill does that if we don’t have before us a copy of the regulations?”

Ezzard Miller agreed and said, ““I understand the PMFL does provide for procurement in the regulation at present but in my view that does not prevent the parts of this agreement that relate to procurement being placed in law as the FFR agreement asks.”

He added, “I can’t vote for this bill as it is.”

Bush, however, did produce the regulations as the LA was adjourned.


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