“All is not what it seems with this turtle release” says WSPA Vet
Roberto Vieto, WSPA Veterinarian for Central America and the Caribbean, said:
“Sadly all is not what it seems with this turtle release. What on the surface looks like a coup for sea turtle conservation is in fact yet another example of bad practice. The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) had a supporter on the ground during the release,
“Not only does WSPA question the Farm’s methods, but we also wonder if this was nothing more than a PR ploy to try and stem the overwhelming criticism it has been receiving from welfare and
“WSPA believes the recent release is further evidence that the Farm is ignoring our concerns about continuing animal cruelty and bad practice. WSPA is still hoping to engage with the Farm constructively on these issues, but unfortunately the Farm seems unwilling to listen.”