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OTD Director to visit Cayman Islands

Dr. Peter Hayes

The new Director the Overseas Territories Department (OTD) of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is visiting the Cayman Islands and will be meeting the press on Thursday November 29th.

OTD Director, Dr. Peter Richard Hayes, is in the Cayman Islands to meet with local officials. The press conference will give him an opportunity to speak to the public about his visit and answer media questions.

Dr. Hayes is also the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) Commissioner. The BIOT is based in the OTD in the FCO in London.

Dr. Hayes took over as BIOT Commissioner and Director OTD on 17th October, 2012.

Dr Hayes was born on 11 April 1963. He is a graduate of the University of Surrey where he studied Physics. His PhD in nuclear physics was awarded by King’s College, London University.

Prior to joining the FCO he worked as:

1989-90     Post doctoral research associate – King’s College, London

1990-93     Senior Scientific Officer National Physical Laboratory

1993-4       Department of Trade & Industry – Management & Technology Services

1994-6       Head of Competition Issues, Office of Science & Technology, Cabinet Office

1996-8       Assistant Director Int

1998-2000 Deputy Head Environment, Science and Energy Group, FCO

2000-1       Director of Nuclear Decommissioning, Department of Trade & Industry

He joined the FCO in 2001:

2001-5    Counsellor then Consul General, British Embassy, Washington DC

2005-7    Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary (Jack Straw, Margaret Beckette, David Miliband)

2008-10  High Commissioner Sri Lanka & non-resident High Commissioner to the Maldives

2011-12  On secondment as Head of Public Affairs, London Stock Exchange

The BIOT Section or BIOT Administration consists of a Head of Section (who is the BIOT Administrator) and two desk officers.






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