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World Down Syndrome Day Thu 21 May

Statement from the Hon. Deputy Premier on World Down Syndrome Day

March 21st is the eighth anniversary of World Down Syndrome Day which was started by the organization Down Syndrome International.  This day aims at increasing the global awareness of people with Down syndrome, their accomplishments, their struggles and how each country and person can support and help people with Down syndrome.  The United Nations officially observes this day since 2012 and now it is time for us to observe it here in the Cayman Islands.

Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21 and is the most common chromosome abnormality in humans (Wikipedia:  According to the United Nations, “Down syndrome is a naturally occurring chromosomal arrangement that has always been a part of the human condition, exists in all regions across the globe and commonly results in variable effects on learning styles, physical characteristics or health.”  This is of course also true for us here in Cayman as this condition exists here and we have several individuals with Down Syndrome that live in our community.

I am delighted to see that one of our own, Miss Annie Marie Gray, artist, support aid at the Lighthouse School and sister of a brother with Down syndrome has taken it upon herself to organize the first ever Cayman Islands Down Syndrome Day fundraiser and celebrations.  This event which takes place on Thursday March 21st aims at raising awareness about this condition, the globally observed day, and will highlight varied personalities and capabilities of people with Down syndrome.

People with Down syndrome, just like all persons with disabilities, deserve the same respect, rights and opportunities as everyone else.  They are people that we can learn from and be inspired by.  For example people with Down syndrome have some amazing talents as we have seen with stars such as Kanza Bodden who is a Special Olympian and has represented our country proudly on the world stage of sports, in particular swimming.

The Ministry of Education, Financial Services and Employment provides services through the Sunrise Adult Training Centre for adults with disabilities including those with Down syndrome.  The Centre currently has 4 people with Down syndrome.  For our children with this condition, the Lighthouse School provides the necessary educational services and they currently have 7 children with Down syndrome.  We also have various support aides, therapists and specialists throughout our system to help all of our children with special needs and look to continually improve these services so that everyone can benefit fully from them.

I hope that you will all recognise this day and attend the event which is being held in Loyola Hall at St. Ignatius Catholic School.  The event is from 6:00 to 8:30pm and will have various specialists and persons with Down syndrome speak to better inform the community about this condition.  For more information you can also view the website:  to find out what is happening around the world on this day.

From Hon. Rolston Anglin, JP, Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Financial Services & Employment



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