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Dep. Cayman Premier gets driving ban


Deputy Cayman Islands Premier, Hon. Rolston Anglin’s drunk-driving sentencing was executed on Tuesday (26). The Deputy Premier, who is also Education Minister, was banned from driving for 12 months, fined CI$500 and ordered to pay the crown’s costs of CI$2,473

He at first pleaded “Not Guilty” to Driving Under the Influence when Royal Cayman Island Police Service officers arrested him in the early morning hours of 23rd May 2012. His car left the road and crashed into bushes by the Avalon condos and when police officers arrived a mystery woman was sitting in the passenger seat of his car. The woman disappeared shortly after when she was driven back by one of the police officers to her hotel and was not seen again. Anglin could not assist as he said he knew nothing about her except she was a delegate attending a Caribbean conference.

Anglin also gave three different versions to the police as to how the accident happened and then suddenly changed his plea to guilty and apologized to the Cayman public saying he accepted full responsibility for his actions. He had prayed a lot before coming this decision.

It was in the best interest to put aside the issue so he could continue to serve the Cayman people, he said.

Speaking on behalf of Anglin, his attorney, Steve McField, told the court his client was extremely remorseful and had undertaken a driver’s rehabilitation course. He also said the minister had an important role in government. The circumstances Anglin found himself in after making a foolish mistake were tragic, McField said, pointing out the minister had always been honest – striving all his life for perfection.

The Deputy Premier was given 30 days to pay his fine and costs, and asked to submit his driving license to the court.


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