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Cop assaults cop and cop arrested for offensive weapon

RCIPS Logo RCIPSTwo stories make headlines this weekend when we have had confirmation of two serious incidents relating to our own police force – the Royal Cayman islands Police Service (RCIPS).

In the first story a RCIPS spokesperson said, “We can confirm that one officer has lodged a complaint of common assault against another. The incident involved one officer allegedly prodding another a week ago within police premises while the pair were both on duty.”

The alleged assault took place on Thursday 28th March.

The police spokesperson said no one was injured and an investigation is under way.

We understand neither officer has been suspended.

In the second story the RCIPS have confirmed that a police officer serving in Cayman Brac has been arrested on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon and the illegal importation of firearm accessories.

A police spokesperson said the officer is currently on bail while the investigation continues, but has not been suspended from duty.





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