Orientation programme for new MLA’s and Ministers outlined in Dep Gov & CO Meeting
Attendees:- Deputy Governor; Mrs. Gloria McField-Nixon; Mr. Eric Bush; Mrs. Mary Rodrigues; Ms. Dorine Whittaker; Mr. Stran Bodden; Ms. Jennifer Ahearn; Mr. Alan Jones; Ms. Anne Owens; Mrs. Michelle Bahadur
Apologies: – Mr. Leonard Dilbert; Mr. Samuel Rose; Mr. Kenneth Jefferson; Mr. Kevin McCormac; Ms. Cheryl Richards; Ms. Jacqueline Wilson; Dr. Dax Basdeo; Mrs. Sonia McLaughlin
1. Welcome
The Deputy Governor welcomed everyone and prayer was offered.
2. Formal Approval of Minutes
The March 11 meeting minutes were approved by all attendees for circulation.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
There were no matters arising.
4. Data Security Presentation – Deloitte
Representatives from Deloitte gave a presentation on cyber security as it relates to the integrity of Government IT systems.
5. Civil Service College Presentation
Representatives from the Civil Service College (CSC) gave a presentation highlighting the CSC’s achievements since its inception, including:
Offering the Associates of Arts Degree in Public Administration;
Offering the Certificate in Public Administration;
Launching the Civil Service Academy as the e-learning portal of the CSC;
Earning an eLearning 100! award as one of 40 Public Sector entities worldwide recognized for creating a culture of learning, and
Obtaining accreditation by the Institute of Leadership & Management to deliver Level 3 and
Level 5 qualifications – a first in the Caribbean.
Chief Officers were encouraged to utilize the CSC’s e-learning portal to ensure staff were regularly undertaking training, to centrally register and monitor staff’s personal developments plans and linked training objectives, and as a way of converting appropriate department-specific courses traditionally delivered in-person into online learning courses. As of March 2013, some 1,251 Civil Servants are active on the Academy, having immediate access to the e-learning courses online.
6. Preparation for New Government
The Deputy Governor would like to ensure a smooth transition. An orientation programme for new MLA’s and Ministers is being developed by the Deputy Governor and Cabinet Secretary. Briefs should be prepared to educate the new Ministers on the subjects that they will be overseeing. A standard template was suggested to ensure consistency.
7. Any Other Business
CO’s Ahearn, Rodrigues and Basdeo are in the process of recruiting Deputies for their respective Ministries. The Deputy Governor commended these CO’s for conducting a joint recruitment process.
CO Whittaker reminded everyone about the upcoming Honouring Women Month’s
Colour Me Purple 5K Walk/Run this Saturday, March 23, 2013.
CO Ahearn invited Chief Officers to attend the Official Walking Track’s Opening for the Ceremonial 1st Lap on Tuesday, March 19, 2013.
CO McField-Nixon offered an update on the Dress Down Day for Attention Deficit Disorder to be held next Thursday, March 28, 2013. There is a collection post here at the GAB, as well as the Information Commissioner ’s Office. The collection post in Cayman Brac is located at the District Administration Building.
The meeting adjourned at 4:02pm.