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Cayman Islands Governor’s Office invites bids for project funds

shutterstock_81388729-300x261Do you have a project proposal which has the potential to have a lasting impact on the Cayman Islands?


Does your project seek to:

•          promote good governance and transparency, or

•          raise awareness about human rights, or

•          promote protection of the environment, or

•          contribute towards reducing crime or improving the criminal justice system?


Do you have some funding already for your proposal?

Will your project take place before March 2014?

If so, then please read on…

Each year the Governor’s Office is allocated funds from the Overseas Territories Programme Fund through the United Kingdom’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

serv_fundingThe Governor’s Office uses the funds to support worthwhile projects in the Cayman Islands in the areas of governance and transparency, the environment, human rights and crime reduction. Support is typically in the range of CI$1,000 to CI$10,000. The Governor’s Office is now searching for projects to support for the period April 2013 – March 2014.

His Excellency the Governor commented,  “The 2012 Overseas Territories White Paper aims to strengthen links between the UK and Overseas Territories governments and commits the UK government to provide support to the Overseas Territories governments.

This modest fund seeks to do just that by assisting with access to expertise and training. We put it to excellent use last year and we hope to do even better this year.”

Projects which the Governor’s Office supported last year include:

•          training for the uniformed services to prepare them for the coming-into-force of the Bill of Rights;

•          purchase of equipment for the Central Caribbean Marine Institute to allow them to study the impact of climate change on our marine ecosystems;

•          supporting the efforts of Brackers Against Alcohol Misuse;

•          assisting the Human Rights Commission by contributing towards the cost of the publication of books for primary school children which explain the Bill of Rights;

•          supporting the Cayman Islands Government’s Gender Equality publicity campaign;

•          development of genetic fingerprints for the Cayman Islands’ endangered endemic orchids;

•          training for those involved in the criminal justice system who work with sex offenders.

As highlighted above, the Governor’s Office is seeking to support projects which have concrete outcomes and which have the potential to make a real impact. Projects must be completed by March 2014. Bids which have already secured some funding from other sources are particularly welcomed.

To receive a project bidding form please contact Tom Hines at the Governor’s Office: [email protected], tel. 244 2434. This information is available on the Governor’s Office website




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