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Songwriting workshop planned

images-2Julie Kryk, the new Creative Arts Director (music, songwriting, drama and art) at Chatterbox-Connecting Therapy and Education ( in George Town has announced a very interesting event in May.

She is planning a “Town Song” Songwriting Workshop for Saturday, May 18th @ 2pm, where a group of people will collaborate to compose an original song about the Cayman Islands.  The cost is only $10, and each participant will get a CD recording of the song that we compose. She is inviting people of all ages to attend this workshop.  The number of participants is limited, so she needs to know if you are interested in attending this songwriting workshop (please RSVP to this email to be added to the participant list).  For more info on the “Town Song Project”, please visit this link:

It will be an amazing opportunity and I hope to see you there!

Chatterbox is also having an upcoming Creative Arts Summer Camps & Classes for children and adults (see below). If you or someone you know is interested (children or adults), please let m/s Kryk know.

Please RSVP to this email if you wish to attend the May 18th songwriting workshop, or if you wish to reserve a spot in one of our summer camps or classes.

Julie Kryk

Music and Creative Arts Director


926 1693

[email protected]

Creative Arts Summer Camps and Classes:

Music, visual arts, crafts, drama, musical theatre, talent shows, guitar, songwriting and more!

July & August

CI$200 / Week (or $60/day)

Ages 5 and Up



Creative Arts Private Lessons (In-Home):

Music (Vocal, Guitar, Songwriting), Art (Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Design), Drama (Musical Theatre, Monologues, Improv)

June, July & August

CI$50 / Private Lesson

ALL AGES: Children, Teens and Adults


1-Hour Lesson

“Jingle Sessions” Songwriting Workshop:

Team-building workshop for schools/companies/organizations where participants collaborate to compose an original “jingle” or original song (including recording of song).

May, June, July & August

CI$200 / Group Workshop

ALL AGES: Children, Teens and Adults

GROUP SIZE: Up to 100 participants


2-Hour Workshop

“Town Song” Songwriting Workshop:

Team-building workshop for schools/companies/organizations where participants collaborate to compose an original “jingle” or original song (including recording of song).

Saturday, May 18th, 2013

$10 / Participant (Includes a CD recording of the song we compose!)

ALL AGES: Children, Teens and Adults

2-Hour Group Workshop



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