Election observers issued formal letter
With the agreement of the elected Government of the Cayman Islands, His Excellency the Governor has issued a formal letter of invitation to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) requesting that they organise a team of election observers to observe the General Elections on 22 May.
The Election Observer Mission will be arranged and led by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) British Isles and Mediterranean Region (BIMR). Andrew Tuggey, Secretary to the CPA BIMR, has replied confirming that BMIR will provide an Election Observer Mission, in partnership with Electoral Reform International Services (ERIS), a not-for-profit organisation which provides support and advice on democratic processes around the world and with the Association of Caribbean Electoral Organisations (ACEO).
Mr Tuggey has said that the Election Observer Mission will be led by the Hon. Mario Galea, a Member of Parliament in Malta since 1992 who has served several times on Election Observer Missions. The observer team is likely to include up to ten experienced and respected individuals from Commonwealth countries in the Mediterranean and Caribbean regions. The costs of the mission will be met by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The Minister for the Overseas Territories, the Hon. Mark Simmonds, commented that he is encouraged by the elected Government’s readiness to invite Election Observers and supports this. He recognises that “it is good practice for mature democracies to invite observers and an opportunity to demonstrate that election processes are robust, free and fair.”
The Governor’s Office, in consultation with the Supervisor of Elections, will agree a Memorandum of Understanding with the CPA BIMR on the operation of the Election Observer Mission in line with standard international practice and will make this public as soon as it has been agreed.